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People with Disability
Accommodation and Housing
Land used by a person with disability as their primary residence and owned by certain related persons may be eligible for a land tax exemption.
Arts and Culture
The Companion Card is issued to people with a significant and permanent disability who require support from a companion to make use of most venues and participate in activities.
Health and Disability
Entitles holder to use ACROD parking bays including on-street parking, in shopping centres, hospitals, libraries and schools.
Free or reduced fees for all emergency and urgent ambulance services, and non-urgent ambulance services that are deemed to be medically necessary and which are provided by the St John Ambulance service.
The Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) assists people with long term health, disability or age related functional impairment to stay in their own homes by providing equipment such as a wheelchair; or home modifications such as installing a ramp to enhance their safety and independence in their home.
Silver Chain delivers a continence management and advice service at clinics through Western Australia.
This scheme is for children who are incontinent. A product subsidy of up to $490 per year is available to assist families with meeting the cost of continence products for their children.
This scheme provides a subsidy to compensate financially disadvantaged persons for the electricity costs of operating life support equipment at home.
The WA Spectacles Subsidy Scheme offers up to $53.85 subsidy to eligible applicants every two years.
The Taxi Users' Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) provides taxi travel at a reduced rate for people who have a severe permanent disability that will always prevent them from using a conventional public transport bus service.
This scheme provides an energy subsidy to financially disadvantaged persons who have a thermoregulatory dysfunction requiring that they operate equipment to control the temperature of their homes.
Household Bills and Appliances
All domestic dogs are required to be registered with the relevant Local Government. Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card can apply for a 50% discount on registration fees.
A rebate on the Emergency Services Levy or a deferment of this charge.
A rebate for residential energy customers holding a valid concession card.
A rebate on the Underground Electricity Connection Charge, or a deferment of this charge.
A rebate on Water Corporation Service Charges or a deferment of these charges.
Eligible WA Pensioner Concession cardholders and holders of a registered Western Australian issued DVA Pensioner Concession receive two single journeys or one return journey per year on Transwa rail or road coach services.
Seniors Card Benefits
All domestic cats are required to be registered with the relevant Local Government. Holders of accepted concession card (or cards) can apply for a 50% discount on registration fees.
Exemption or reduced fees for the renewal or replacement of a driver's licence.
A 50 per cent concession on Recreational Fishing Licence fees.
A rebate, or a deferment on annual rates charged by local government.
Photo Card – Fee exemption or reduction Exemption for holders of a Centrelink Age Pensioner Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession Cards.
Exemption from the payment of a vehicle licence fee or vehicle licence duty on the purchase of a vehicle or a reduction in vehicle licence fees.
Sport and Recreation
A concession on the full adult entry fee to Cannington or Mandurah racecourses.
The Fremantle Prison provides concession card holders and groups who have booked with reduced tour fees.
Travel and Transport
Provides an annual subsidy to eligible pensioners living in the regions to support their transport needs to access government services.
Free Travel is available to certain eligible groups.

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