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Ambulance Fees

Free or reduced fees for all emergency and urgent ambulance services, and non-urgent ambulance services that are deemed to be medically necessary and which are provided by the St John Ambulance service.


Name: St John Ambulance
Phone: 9334 1222

How to Apply

If possible, advise the ambulance paramedic that you hold a Pensioner Concession Card when using a St John Ambulance. Otherwise, when paying the bill, provide the details of your eligibility.


Western Australians over the age of 65 who receive a full Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs Age Pension and who hold a current Pensioner Concession Card are entitled to a 100 per cent concession on the standard ambulance transport fee. Other Western Australian's over the age of 65 years, and other holders of a current Pensioner Concession Card may be eligible  for a 50 per cent concession. To check your eligibility please contact St John Ambulance on 9334 1222.

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