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Legal Aid WA - means tested Legal Representation

Legal Aid has offices throughout the state, with the Perth office having responsibility for assessing applications for aid. An assessing officer will apply State and Commonwealth Guidelines, a Means Test and a Reasonableness Test to all requests for assistance. The means test will take into account the income and assets of the applicant and any financially associated person, including a spouse or de facto. The Reasonableness Test takes into account the merit, the costs versus benefit/detriment of a case and whether it is appropriate to spend limited public legal aid funds on the matter. If granted aid, a lawyer will be assigned to represent the person. If a conflict exists, such as, a co-accused already has a grant of aid, a client can still apply and if eligible, be assigned to a different lawyer.


Name: Legal Aid WA
Phone: 9261 6222 1300 650 579

How to Apply

Attend any Legal Aid office in person, telephone the Information Line on 1300 650 579 (to post out a form), download an application from the Legal Aid WA website  or obtain a form from your own lawyer or from a Community Legal Centre. Legal Aid office locations can be found on the website.


Any person can apply for aid. Discretion can be used for aged applicants, or children under 18 where they remain financially dependent on a parent or guardian. To find out if you qualify for a grant of aid, you will need to submit a completed application form to any Legal Aid office or telephone the Information Line on 1300 650 579 for further information.

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