District Court - waiver, reduction, refund or deferral of court fees
Applicants in possession of eligible concession cards can apply for an automatic waiver for filing fees (Regulation 7(1d)). The Regulations do not allow the automatic waiving of hearing fees.
The Suitors Fund component (20 cents) of a writ of summons filing fee must be paid even if the remainder of the fee is waived, reduced, refunded or deferred.
Further, Regulation 7(1) can authorise waivers, reductions, refunds or the deferral of fees generally, for special reasons, which are defined as follows;
financial hardship;
that an important right or obligation affecting the community or a significant part of the community will be determined; or
that the development of the law generally will be affected so as to reduce the need for further litigation.
Reduced fees are also available to small business and not-for-profit associations.
Name: District Court of Western Australia
Phone: 9425 2395