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Concessional Rate of Duty on Residential Property

Since 1 July 2008 a concessional rate of transfer duty is available for some dutiable transactions involving residential property. For example, this concession may apply to the transfer of a residential dwelling. A similar stamp duty concession also existed for any documents signed or transactions entered into prior to 1 July 2008. If you have a document that was signed or transaction that was entered into prior to this date, please contact State Revenue to discuss your options.


Name: Department of Finance, Office of State Revenue
Phone: 9262 1400 WA Country Callers: 1300 368 364

How to Apply

To apply for this concession the person acquiring the property (the purchaser) must complete the Certain Residential or Business Property Transactions form available on our website. If the purchaser uses an agent to manage the settlement process, the agent will assist the purchaser to apply for this concession.


A dutiable transaction may be assessed at the concessional rate of transfer duty where the:

  • Property purchased includes a dwelling
  • Dutiable value of the  property (generally the consideration for the transaction or the unencumbered value of the property) does not exceed $200,000
  • Property is to be transferred to an 'eligible purchaser' or a combination of 'eligible Purchasers' and government bodies; and
  • Property has not been received as a gift.
Please refer to the Transfer of Residential Property Fact Sheet on our website for further explanation of what the term 'eligible purchaser' means.

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