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Incontinence Pad Scheme - Children Product Subsidy

​This scheme is for children who are incontinent.  A product subsidy of up to $490 per year is available to assist families with meeting the cost of continence products for their children.

How to Apply

To access the product subsidy, the child must be assessed as eligible by a general practitioner, continence nurse, continence physiotherapist or medical specialist stating that the child has incontinence. Application forms and medical review forms are available from Independence Australia website.


Children who are eligible for IPS:

  • are between 3 and 15 years of age and have a disability
  • have continence issues related to the disability, other than night bed wetting only
  • are an Australian citizen, are a holder of a permanent visa, or a holder of a special category visa subclass 444 (for New Zealand citizens)
  • are a member of a family in receipt of a Carer Allowance (caring for a child under 16 years) or have been issued with a Health Card.
  • obtain a letter from a general practitioner, continence nurse, continence physiotherapist or medical specialist stating that they have incontinence.

If a child's guardian is not in receipt of a Carer Allowance or the child holds a different visa but meets all other eligibility criteria, an enquiry can be made to the Disability Services Commission for an individual determination.

Children can access the Incontinence Pad Scheme and the Commonwealth Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) simultaneously.

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