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Energy Concession Extension Scheme

A payment to people holding concessions cards who do not have electricity accounts with Synergy or Horizon Power but who pay for their electricity use through on-selling arrangements or to retailers such as Perth Energy or Alinta Sales. The payment includes the Energy Assistance Payment and may be more if you also meet the eligibility requirements for the Dependent Child Rebate and/or the Air Conditioning Rebate.


Name: Department of Finance, RevenueWA
Phone: (08) 9262 1486 / Regional 1300 368 364

How to Apply

Visit the Department for Finance website for more information and to complete the electronic application form for the Energy Concession Extension Scheme. If you qualify for the Energy Assistance Payment, you may also qualify for the Dependant Child Rebate and/or the Air Conditioning Rebate. The electronic application covers all three concession types.

If you are directly billed by Synergy or Horizon Power contact those providers to discuss your eligibility for energy concessions.


Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card, Veterans' Affairs Gold card, or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

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