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Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) - funding

The Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) assists people with long term health, disability or age related functional impairment to stay in their own homes by providing equipment such as a wheelchair; or home modifications such as installing a ramp to enhance their safety and independence in their home. If you receive equipment from CAEP you may use it for as long as you need via a long term loan. All equipment belongs to CAEP and must be returned when no longer needed, so that it may be given to others.

How to Apply

Ask your GP or specialist if you are eligible and to then refer you to a local CAEP service provider. This may be a public hospital, health or disability service. The CAEP service provider will arrange for a health professional such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist to work out your equipment and/or home modification needs. Further information including referrers kit and referral form are located on the CAEP website.  


To be eligible for CAEP you must have:

  • a long term health, disability, or age related functional impairment,
  • live at home in the community most of the time,
  • have a Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, or be a carer of a child with a permanent disability in receipt of a Carer Payment or be able to demonstrate financial hardship.
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