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Companion Card Program

The Companion Card is issued to people with a significant and permanent disability who require attendant care support from a companion to make use of most venues and participate in activities. Cardholders present their card when booking or purchasing a ticket from a participating business or venue. Participating businesses and venues will recognise the Companion Card and issue the cardholder with a second ticket for their companion at no charge.


Name: WA Companion Card
Phone: 08 9242 5544

How to Apply

To apply for a Companion Card download the application form which is available online. For further information or to request a hard copy of the Companion Card brochure or application form please call the WA Companion Card office.  Free call Information Line on 1800 617 337 or email


There are four eligibility requirements for a Companion Card:

  • The individual lives in Western Australia
  • The individual has a significant disability, which may include issues relating to age or psychiatric illness
  • Due to the impact of a disability the individual would be unable to participate at most community venues or activities without attendant care support; and
  • The individual's need for this level of support will be life-long. Service providers, organisations or companions cannot apply for a Companion Card. Cards are only issued to, and remain the property of, the person with a disability.

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