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ACROD Parking Permits - Australian Disability Parking Scheme

Entitles holder to use ACROD parking bays including on-street parking, in shopping centres, hospitals, libraries and schools.


Name: ACROD Parking Program
Phone: 9242 5544

How to Apply

To apply for a permit download the application form which is available online or contact the ACROD Parking Program on 9242 5544 or email to arrange for an application form to be posted to you. All applications must be endorsed by your Doctor/medical practitioner and/or be supported by documentary evidence of your disability or medical condition. Specific requirements are listed on the application form.


To be eligible for an ACROD Parking Permit you must meet one of the following criteria:

  • You are unable to walk and always require the use of a wheelchair, mobility or medical aid; or
  • Your ability to walk is significantly restricted by a permanent disability or medical condition; or
  • Your ability to walk is significantly restricted by a temporary disability or medical condition (for a minimum of six months); or
  • You are legally blind.
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