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People in Regions
Education, Training and Employment
Financial assistance to support off-the-job training being delivered to eligible apprentices (including trainees, cadets, and interns) who are, or would normally be, required to travel long distances to attend training.
Parents and guardians may be eligible for financial assistance when children are required to board away form home to attend a Western Australian College of Agriculture.
An annual allowance to assist rural and remote parents with boarding costs for secondary students (children) enrolled in a gifted and talented program at a public school and boarding at City Beach Residential College.
Parents and guardians may be eligible for financial assistance when children are required to board away from home or live in a second home (away from their primary residence), to attend a Western Australian school from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The Secondary Assistance Scheme is available to low-income families with children enrolled in secondary schooling to assist with school expenses.
The Secondary Assistance Scheme – ABSTUDY Supplement Allowance is available to parents/guardians with children enrolled in secondary schooling who receive ABSTUDY payments through the Department of Human Services (Centrelink).
Provides financial assistance for students who need to travel more than 56 kms to attend a school, a college or a university.
Health and Disability
This scheme is for children who are incontinent. A product subsidy of up to $490 per year is available to assist families with meeting the cost of continence products for their children.
Household Bills and Appliances
All domestic dogs are required to be registered with the relevant Local Government. Holders of a Pensioner Concession Card can apply for a 50% discount on registration fees.
A rebate for residential energy customers holding a valid concession card.
An extension of the existing Energy Assistance Payment (EAP) and other electricity concessions to eligible households that receive electricity charges through on-selling arrangements.
A concession on water supplied by the Water Corporation.
Seniors Card Benefits
All domestic cats are required to be registered with the relevant Local Government. Holders of accepted concession card (or cards) can apply for a 50% discount on registration fees.
Travel and Transport
Provides an annual subsidy to eligible pensioners living in the regions to support their transport needs to access government services.
Each year one return journey to Perth by air or coach is provided to Pensioner Concession Card holders who have lived north of the 26th parallel continuously for two or more years.

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