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Boarding Away from Home Allowance - Gifted and Talented Program

An annual allowance to assist rural and remote parents with boarding costs for secondary students (children) enrolled in a gifted and talented program at a public school and boarding at City Beach Residential College. The allowance is paid directly to the Residential College and is deducted from the residential boarding fees.

How to Apply

Application forms are available from the City Beach Residential College, where their child is boarding.  Applications must be completed annually.


  • Student is enrolled in a gifted and talented program at a public school; and
  • Student is boarding at City Beach Residential College.

Parent/student is not in receipt of:

  • Youth Allowance at the away from home rate; 
  • Assistance for Isolated Children Allowance (through the Department of Human Services (Centrelink)); or
  • ABSTUDY Boarding (if full boarding paid by the Department of Human Services (Centrelink)).
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