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Water Supply Charge and Consumption rebates - Busselton Water

Registered holders of a Pensioner Concession Card, State Concession Card, or Commonwealth Seniors Healthcare Card and WA Seniors Card will receive a rebate of up to 50% on the Standard Supply Charge (capped at $600) and a rebate of up to 50% on the first 350 kilolitres of water consumed each year. Registered WA Seniors Card holders will receive a rebate of up to 25% (capped at $100 including Local Government rates rebate) on the Standard Supply Charge.


How to Apply

Application forms are available from the Busselton Water office at 1 Fairbairn Road, Busselton or phone 08 9781 0510 to have a form sent by mail, fax or email. Completed forms should then be submitted in person or can be done by mail, fax or email but will need to include a copy of your concession card.


To receive a concession you must:

  • on 1 July of the current financial year own and occupy the property as your "ordinary place of residence".
  • hold an appropriate concession card/s.

To own means you must:

  • be the owner or co-owner of the property registered on the Certificate of Title; or
  • have a "right to reside" at the property under the terms of a Will (a copy of the appropriate documents need to be provided); or
  • hold a long-term lease in a retirement village, park home park, lifestyle village or caravan park (refer to owner/operator to enquire whether rebate applies).
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