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State Concession Card

The State Concession Card is issued to eligible Veterans and War widows who do not hold a Pensioner Concession Card and have a relevant interest in the residential property which they occupy so that they can obtain concessions on Local Government and Water Service Charges.


Name: Department of Communities
Phone: 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday: 1800 176 888

How to Apply

Available for download:

For more information about the State Concession Card please email to request an application form.


The following categories of Department of Veteran Affairs holders are eligible for the State Concession Card:
  • Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Pensioners (TPI)
  • Extreme Disablement Adjustment (EDA)
  • Blinded War Pensioners
  • Tuberculosis sufferers
  • Special Rate Disability Pension
  • War Widow
The State Concession Card is issued to eligible person/s owning or having a relevant interest in the residential property which they occupy. The concession will only be applied to the owner occupied dwelling.
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