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Volunteer National Police Certificates

The Department of Communities and WA Police Force have partnered to deliver the Volunteer National Police Certificates program at a discounted rate. 


Name: Department of Communities
Phone: 6217 6888

How to Apply

Organisations must register for the program with the Department of Communities. Once the Volunteering Organisation Registration Form is completed it can be submitted to:

Department of Communities
Post: PO Box 6334
East Perth, WA 6893


To be eligible, organisations must:
  • be an incorporated body such as an association, company, government organisation, or a co-operative
  • utilise volunteers in Western Australia for the benefit of the community
  • agree to the conditions of the Volunteer National Police Certificate program set out in the registration form.
Only the central office of an organisation can register and it can only register once.  Unincorporated groups or sub-groups are unable to register individually.

National organisations with volunteers working in Western Australia may register to access discounted clearances for their organisations volunteers in Western Australia.

Individuals can only access a discounted Volunteer National Police Certificate through a registered organisation.
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