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Legal Aid WA - Advocacy Service fees

The Social Inclusion Program seeks to prioritise clients at risk of social exclusion and to provide a more holistic service for disadvantaged clients who may have multiple legal and social issues and who may have difficulty understanding or engaging in a legal process due to factors such as age, disability, literacy, language etc. Where a fee does apply, it will be $5.00 for concession card holders or $20.00 for people who are working. Fees may be waived in cases of financial hardship.


Name: Legal Aid WA
Phone: 9261 6243 1300 650 579

How to Apply

Advocacy services will only be provided after legal advice has been given. Telephone
1300 650 579 between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday to speak with an Information Officer or email


Eligibility for advocacy services through the Social Inclusion Program is determined through an assessment by an Information Officer or legal advice appointment.

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