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Boarding Away from Home Allowance - Respite

An annual allowance to assist parents/carers with children who may need respite.  Respite students may board away from home because of physical or intellectual disabilities, health related conditions or learning difficulties.

How to Apply

Application forms are available from the Department of Education by telephoning or emailing the Allowances Coordinator.

Parents need to provide proof of eligibility, providing a copy of their Centrelink Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) entitlement letter with the Boarding Away from Home Allowance application.   Applications can be submitted by email to:  via post to:
Allowances Coordinator
Education Department
Financial Planning and Resourcing
151 Royal Street

Applications must be completed annually.


Western Australian parents/carers are eligible to apply if they are receiving the Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) Short Term Boarding Allowance from the Department of Human Services (Centrelink), their child is enrolled in a primary or secondary school (Kindergarten to Year 12) and their child is boarding at a respite facility for more than 20 days.

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