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Continence Management and Support Scheme (CMASS) – Clinical Service and Product Subsidy

Silver Chain delivers a continence management and advice service at clinics through Western Australia. Specialist nurses provide assessment and advice on how to best manage and improve your bladder or bowel condition. If continence products are required, Silver Chain can assist with accessing a subsidy of up to $490 per year through Independence Australia.


Name: Silverchain
Phone: 1300 787 055
Name: Independence Australia
Phone: 1300 788 855

How to Apply

To access the product subsidy, individuals must be assessed as eligible by the Continence Management and Advice Service. To make an appointment with a specialist continence nurse, contact Silver Chain on 1300 787 055. Additional information, including CMAS clinic locations, is also available at


People who are eligible for CMASS:

  • Are 16 years of age or older 
  • Have a defined chronic or intractable continence condition (lasting for six months or more) 
  • Hold a Pensioner Concession Card or a Health Care Card
  • Are a permanent resident of Western Australia

Are not in receipt of a Commonwealth Home Care Packages at Home (Level 1 to 4), or living in a Commonwealth funded high level residential care home. 

People who are not eligible for CMASS include:
  • Those who are eligible for continence appliances or continence financial assistance supplied through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP) administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • Individuals who have received a compensation settlement where continence products are included.
Please note that people may receive the Federal Government Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) and the State Government CMASS subsidy.


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